Shealen Reno #10 | 2017
March 2017
Do you know the voice in your head that stops you jumping off a cliff? Yea? Well Shealen Reno doesn’t have one … she is basically deficient in the ‘fear gene’ department and that’s what makes her so much fun to watch riding a bike! Plus she’s been to Ireland … we’re long time fans …
2017 sees Shealen join Full Tilt BMX on board the stunning Supercross Envy BLK … so we thought it was about time we caught up with her again.
15: New year, new team … how did the Full Tilt deal come about?
Shealen: Right before Grands I received a phone call from a old team mate of mine from a few years back telling me Full Tilt was looking to expand the team and were interested in talking to me. So I sat down with the team owner at Grands and loved what they had to offer and their team pit atmosphere …
15: The new bike looks stunning, and loaded with the best of everything … are you into all that stuff or is it just a tool to get you from A to B?
Shealen: Oh, it’s awesome that the guys at Full Tilt dialled my bike in completely! I think as a rider I need to trust the components I’m riding and this bike has it all.
15: Are you still running the ‘tiny’ ODI grips? What’s the deal there? 🙂
Shealen: Lol, yes, mini grips for life! I don’t know why but I’ve always felt super comfortable with the mini’s and never switched.
15: The Supercross Envy BLK is your first carbon frame, does it feel any different to ride compared to your old alloy ones?
Shealen: Oh, yes I felt a dramatic difference between the two. I’m going on a month now with my Carbon and finally feeling like I’m getting used to it.
15: How did the first two races of the season go for you … mud in Phoenix, sun in Florida?
Shealen: Those two races were a little difficult for me but I was feeling really good on the bike.
15: We heard you had a crash in Florida and had to sit out the second day with thumb injury? Nothing serious we hope?
Shealen: No, not serious. Just a little set back but I’m back on the bike now.
15: Will you be in Rock Hill for the next USA BMX Pro Series national? What’s on the calendar after that?
Shealen: Yes, I’ll definitely be there. Rock Hill is one I try to never miss with it being one of my favorite tracks. My next race after that will be in Austin, TX! Which is right in my backyard.

15: Any Euro trips planned for this year?
Shealen: As of right now I don’t have any plans on going overseas. Most likely just staying in the states this year to do the USABMX series.
15: What’s the goal for 2017 season? Is the US Worlds Team something your aiming for?
Shealen: My goals for this year are just to stay healthy and enjoy racing as much as possible. I’m still not too sure about the Worlds Team this year but it’s up in the air.
15: Your sister Jacelyn wrapped up her worlds spot in Phoenix, she must be paying attention to all your coaching … are you looking forward to the day she gets on the Elite gate with you?
Shealen: Honestly, I’ve never thought of her lining up next to me in a Elite gate but when that day comes it’ll be pretty badass!
Follow Shealen on: Facebook | Instagram | Website
Photos: Kirby Cronk Photography Instagram / Facebook | Full Tilt BMX | Shealen Reno